Sanoma premi idea bank is provided by Wackes.

Sustainability performance rating

How it works

In order to help you determine which products to purchase in the Telia Brandstore, each product has been analyzed according to Wackes Sustainability performance rating system. This means, in short, that six criteria are used to determine the environmental impact on each product. It is also a help to improve the product, by being able to make informed decisions regarding origin, transport, packaging materials, certificates and so on.

This analysis will result in a percentage grade for the product, which in turn will label the product with Good, Better or Best. All products are at least Good, and we always strive towards a higher rating whenever possible. This means that certain products will never be introduced in the Telia Brandstore.

The sustainability rating is based on


Which certificates the products have, like FairTrade or EcoLabel.


Where is the product produced? The closer to Sweden, the higher rating.


If the product is produced of certified materials, the rating is higher.


What is the packaging made of? Different materials give different rating.

Packing in bulk

Products packed in bulk gives a higher rating than those packed one-by-one.


How is the product transported? Shipping by boat is better than by air.


The analysis per product results in a percentage sum, which in turn is translated to Good, Better or Best. This rating can be seen next to each product.

Our three levels of rating


GOOD products meet our high standards of function, sustainability and other CSR aspects.

BETTER products can be made of recycled materials and smartly packed regarding quantity and material. They are most often shipped by boat or train from the factory.

BEST products are most often produced nearby, made of ecological material and come without packaging materials such as polybags.